Here's a selection of most of the songs I've ever finished and released.
If you'd like to support my music, you can buy my albums on Bandcamp or listen to them on Spotify. I also have a YouTube channel where I post covers and music sometimes.
In 2025, I have a resolution -- no more perfectionism:
I want to write simple songs this year, with simple production. If the mix is bad, or I can't sing the vocals well, or the lyrics are stupid -- then, whatever. Release it and move on.
I'd rather finish 50 songs I feel meh about then spend the whole year on two songs that I still don't feel great about, but which have lots of cool effects and a complicated mix 😛.
I'm also going back through the songs I never released in 2024, finishing any unfinished parts (with much lower standards this time), and releasing them this year so they weren't a complete waste of time.
I spent a huge amount of time this year working on music, but I never finished anything besides this song from January.
At the very end of 2022, I quit my job and moved back to New York. Among other things, this gave me a chance to dip my toe back into music-making.
2022 was an extremely busy year for me. I graduated from college and took a (very stressful) job at a big tech company. I had to move to California for the job, and I left behind all my music-making stuff, so -- not much music.
After recording Scrift in 2020, which was primarily an acoustic album, I had learned a lot about incorporating real instruments into my music.
So, lots of my music in 2021 was me experimenting with combining those real instrument sounds with the more electronic sounds of my earlier music.
When COVID lockdown happened in 2020, my university made us all go home and take classes remotely. I was very bored and took that opportunity to make lots of new music.
At this time, I was taking a jazz history class and listening to lots and lots of jazz. I was also starting to get serious about piano and spent a lot of time learning music theory more deeply.
Scrift is an album I recorded the summer after COVID-19 hit. It was heavily inspired by Mac DeMarco, Dr.Dog, Stereolab, and Grizzly Bear.
There are enough songs on Scrift that it would clutter up the archive to throw them all here, so instead I'll just leave the best ones. You can listen to all the other tracks on Bandcamp or on YouTube.
Looking back at the album, my favorite song has to be French Connection which was my attempt at imitating the addictive, droning krautrock of Pack Yr Romantic Mind, which I believe was my #1 most-played song of 2020.
In 2019, when I was in my second year of university, me and two other students worked on an interactive projection-mapped project for a local art festival called LUMA.
The project was a set of little arcade games that audience members could walk up and play. I wrote a little chiptune song for each of the games, which was pretty fun -- but most of them are fairly unremarkable.
2018 is when I first went really, really hard into making music. I was listening to tons of vaporwave and synthwave at the time, and desperately wanted to make music that good myself.
At the time, I considered my efforts to be complete failures, and I scrapped all the songs I had worked on. A year or two later, however, I went back through them and found some songs that, in retrospect, were actually quite good.
So, I collected my four favourites into an EP called don't worry, although I still never went through the effort of releasing it as a full album -- I just put them up on YouTube and called it a day.
After a couple years of noodling around with dumb little songs, 2017 was when I first thought that I might be starting to be OK at this whole music thing.
So, I put a few of my favourite songs together into an EP called ALLITERATION and released it on Bandcamp.
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